12 Quotes to Inspire Change

Change is not always easy.  I have become more accepting of it over the years, but preparing for the relaunch of PHB in the last few weeks has reminded me again of how hard it can be.  Some things are easy.  I love striving to live a more pure, organic and green lifestyle and I love sharing my experiences and knowedge with others.  I love writing, creating the images you see below and enjoyed creating my eBook.  But I don’t enjoy technology that doesn’t work how I want, deadlines, and juggling hundreds of details.      Now that some of that unpleasantness is behind me, I can see that the resulting change was worth it.

By the end of the week you’ll see over 50 images and quotes on my thoughts of a Pure Home and Body. I initially thought to give you all 50+ in one post for a big kick-off, but I want PHB to be Simple and Approachable.  Change doesn’t come easy when it is in big, dramatic shifts. So, I decided to spread the thoughts over an entire week.  When change is gentle it can evade every aspect of your life including your perspective. This is when change happens for life, not when you are strong-armed into new ideas.

You’ll see many ideas for Pure living on my site, and that doesn’t mean you have to  transform every aspect of your life into green, organic living overnight. Take what fits for this week, make it work and make it a part of who you are. Living a Purer life is about change, and it can be intense change because we are dealing with something very personalour habits, our perspectives. I find that if I keep my perspective in place it affects my attitude which will be the subject of tomorrow’s quotes.

As I’ve created these “images”  I found myself reflecting on many stages of my life as I worked on each one. I hope they inspire self-reflection in you! When have you been least resistant to change? Was there ever a turning point where you became more accepting of change?

Up north

Patagonia istock

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2 Responses to 12 Quotes to Inspire Change

  1. Ton B April 18, 2012 at 2:34 pm #


    You’ve been missed! Thank you for posting this!

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    Have a blessed week,

  2. Susan P April 18, 2012 at 8:52 pm #

    Glad you’re enjoying the posts! Change isn’t always easy,but it helps if you like who your working with 😉 . We’ve had a great time putting everything together!

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